Matricle Help Center

Get accounts receivable & value of goods

How to get accounts receivable

Invoce -> Invoice report

1 invoice report, Set starting date for business starting date, set 03-01-2023  for 'to date', get total invoice amount from  label '1'.

2 payment report .  Set starting date for business starting date, set 03-01-2023  for 'to date', get total invoice amount from  label '2'.

Account receivable = Total invoice amount -  Total payment amount

Account receivable = '1' '2'





How to get value of goods,

1.  Get currenty product value of goods from '1'

2.  Set 'From', 'To', get product sold from the end of tax date to now, cilic '2', and get total product sold amount from '3'

3. Click Purchase order -> view all, Set 'From', 'To', get total value of purchased  from the end of tax date to now.


The value of good on tax date = current value of good + product sold - value of product purchased.

The value of good on tax date = '1' + '3' - '4'